Begins September 11

    Facilitator: Pastor Ron

    Time: 6:30pm

    Location: Churchill Room in CLC Building

    This book is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with difficult questions standing squarely in their path. For Christians, it will deepen their convictions and give them fresh confidence in defending their faith to skeptical friends, or during the hardest of times, when they have to defend their faith to themselves in moments of doubt

    Sign up today!

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  • 2. WOMEN'S


    Any woman 18+ is welcome to join the fun at Melanie Ardell's home September 21

    at 7pm. Bring your bathing suit for a swim in the indoor pool, and bring a lawn chair and bug spray to enjoy s'mores by the fire!

    3869 Oil Heritage Road Petrolia

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    Date: September 17

    Time: 1:00pm

    Location: Main Auditorium

    Scammers are constantly finding new ways to target seniors, but you don't have to be their next victim. Join us for an informative workshop designed to help you spot and avoid fraud. Learn the latest tricks criminals use and how to keep your finances and personal information safe. 

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