Our Leadership

  • Sam Welten

    Lead Pastor

    Pastor Sam loves to have fun in whatever he does, which gives our church an exceptional atmosphere of "what's going to happen now"? He has been involved with missions through his charity 'Possibilities International' for the last 15 years and came on staff in 2017. Pastor Sam loves Jesus and loves to introduce people to Him. He is married to Vee, who serves alongside him at church and with his charity. He also has been known to wear tye-dye on occasion. 

    Email Pastor Sam

  • Ron Hughes

    Associate Pastor

    Pastor Ron is a great leader and an incredible preacher. He oversees Bible Studies and the First Impressions teams here at NLA. His wife Cathy is often found serving in kids ministry and is occasionally referenced in his messages. His favourite quotes are: 

    "A leader is one who KNOWS the way, GOES the way, and SHOWS the way.” 


    "Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference."

    Email Pastor Ron

  • Janette Burmaster

    Director of Communications and Connection

    Pastor Janette loves working with this group of amazingly talented people at NLA. She has a heart to see people discover the fullness of life that Jesus came to offer, and enjoys training people to learn new ways to serve! She helps equip the teams to lead worship, livestream, tech and lighting, and oversees the website, and mid-week communications. If you see any errors, or have questions about upcoming events, send your questions her way! Her husband Anthony can be found behind the scenes doing a lot of the heavy lifting!

    Email Pastor Janette

  • Tim Brown

    Pastoral Care

    Pastor Tim has lived in Lambton County his whole life and has a ton of stories he could tell you about it. At New Life, he oversees the Pastoral Care team, the Community Life Center, Men's Ministry, Seniors Prime Time, and Voltage. When he isn't visiting people in the community, farming, or hanging out with his cats, he is practicing his baseball swing. 

    Email Pastor Tim

  • Janelle Archibald

    Kid's Pastor

    Pastor Janelle was hired here at New Life during the pandemic and took on the challenge of leading our vibrant kids ministry and incredible leaders. She has an incredible passion to help kids know Jesus even more and to partner with her husband Bobby leading their own family to serve Him! 

    Email Pastor Janelle

  • Bobby Archibald

    Sr. Youth Leader,  Administrator & Facility Manager

    Pastor Bobby loves Jesus and knows the incredible life change that happens when you totally surrender to God. He leads our youth group 'Impact' to know Jesus every Friday night, and midweek is found at the administrative desk at the church singing off key and solving all the facility challenges of an old building. He and his wife Janelle love raising their children in this community to serve and love Jesus.

    Email Bobby


  • Chris Helps

    Jr. Youth Leader

    Chris leads "Voltage", our Junior Youth group. He is known to be fun and crazy and loves encouraging our Junior High students. 

    Email Voltage

  • Dean & Rebecca Welten

    Young Adult Leaders

    Rebecca and Dean are passionate about leading this generation of young adults at New Life Assembly to be committed followers of Jesus Christ. Their heart is to see God move in the lives of people today, to see them grow closer in relationship to Jesus and, to be part of building God’s Kingdom.

    Email Rebecca or Dean

  • Camille Langstaff

    Women's Ministry Leader

    Camille has a deep passion for helping others grow in their faith, which has been evident throughout her years of ministry. She previously served as our Kids Pastor, pouring into the next generation, and now leads our Women's Ministry with the same heart for discipleship and encouragement. She is dedicated to inspiring women to live fully for Jesus, to walk in unity, and inspire others to follow Him wholeheartedly. 

    Camille is married to Dan, and together they have two wonderful kids. She is excited to see God move in the lives of women in our church!

  • New Life Assembly Board of Deacons

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    Brian McDonald

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    Doug MacLaren

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    Jeremy Giles

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    John Churchill

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    Mark Abernethy

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    Nancy Metcalfe